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NTC Course

Liquified Petroleum Gas Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator

Cargo Handling Simulator Courses

Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator

This training course is intended for deck officers and ratings who have specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo and/or cargo equipment on LPG tankers.

The training is essentially a practical course and consists of a series of exercises structured around the operation of the cargo and ballast installation of a liquefied gas tanker and carried out in conjunction with cargo handling simulator.

The aim of this course is to simulate LPG tanker cargo and ballast operations using an approved simulator and is based on IMO Model Course 1.35.

Upon successful completion the course, the trainee will gain knowledge and skills to be able to make a more effective contribution to the operation and control of the cargo and ballast installation of a liquefied gas tanker, leading to ship safety and enhance protection of the marine environment.

Those who shall successfully complete the course should be able to demonstrate:

• familiarization with the publications, equipment, instrumentation and controls used for cargo handling on a liquefied gas tanker;

• a greater awareness of the need for proper pre-planning, the use of checklists and the time scales involved in the various cargo handling operations;

•an enhanced awareness to apply proper and safe procedures at all times when carrying out the various operations on board an LPG tanker;

• an acquisition of experience in identifying typical cargo and/or ballast related operational problems (and solving them); and

• an improvement in the ability to make decisions which promote safety and protect the marine environment.

Emphasis of lessons & instruction shall deal with the following subjects and training areas:

1. LPG Tanker Familiarization

2. Special Operations and Procedures

3. Ballast Operations

4. Cargo Operations

5. Operational Problems

Simulator Activities & Exercises shall cover:

• Familiarization: Simulator Layout and Controls

• Operational Exercises: Procedures for preparation, Start Up, Putting on line, and Setting the normal operating modes (various operations)

• Troubleshooting: Handling Operational Problems

Entry Requirement / Target Group:

ENTRY REQUIREMENT / TARGET GROUP: Deck Officer and Ratings who are to serve on board liquefied petroleum gas tankers.